Tuesday, September 23, 2008

One image left....

My final image for the first story with The Creative Literacy Project is almost complete. I had to put it on hold temporarily to finish another project and to get some life things in order....and it's been sitting on my messy art table waiting for me to have the clarity of mind to revisit Lilly (the main character).

Generally, I am very pleased with how she looks throughout the book. This is my first project brought to full completion for a story (this was done before "The Dress-Up Attic" with the exception of one image). Thanks to my trip to Portobelo, Panama in June I was able to really focus and complete it with no worries. So now I have Lilly's last image waiting on me.....she's been waiting patiently.

But this week's goal is to finish that one picture and send it in for the project. Once that's complete, I will give my energy to the project with the Portobelo children. I really excited about that one but I think I want to reconsider the images I've already done.....I'm not certain of the composition, though I like the concept.....an artist's work is never done. :) Back to the drawing board!

Anywho, here's a first look at Lilly....she's a special little girl.

For More Info:

Taller Portobelo Norte - http://www.tallerportobelonorte.com/
The Creative Literacy Project - http://creativeliteracyproject.com/

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It has begun....

Well, much has happened in the past year that has finally gotten me to the point of completing illustrations for my first book. I recently started working with a self-published author and did illustrations for his book called "The Dress-Up Attic" written by Wave Walton.

I had reservations about working with a self-published author, primarily because I am investing time and work without a guarantee of profits up-front. But because I'm a budding illustrator, I was ok with that. I needed to go through the process. I needed to figure out how long it would actually take me to do each illustration and finally finish the book. Unfortunately, it took me longer than I even expected, but I pushed through and did not give up on myself. That is what has made me most proud in this project.

Wave has been patient and supportive through this process and I'm sure he will do well in the work he is trying to accomplish with his books. If you'd like to take a look at the author's website just click on this link:


(Main Page: http://www.dawufflepage.i8.com/)

In the next post I'd like to share some other great experiences related to my art from the past year....I'm in the beginning stages but I'm very excited about things to come!