Why I Blog

I am a creative soul who believe we ALL are.  I am here to blog my personal thoughts and to give encouragement to those who need permission to evolve, to create and to inspire the world with your gift.

I specifically dedicate this blog to women artists of all crafts, ages and backgrounds because I believe we, by the nature of our being, are creative.  The life force that flows through us as women is powerful with the ability to influence the world.

I honor you all and your creative potential.
I write this blog to allow me to process my artistic journey and share it with others who may also benefit.  Please comment if something strikes your interest.  As I have worn many creative titles such as visual artist, writer, crafter, engineer, teacher and mother, I welcome anyone who would like to chime in on their own experiences.  You need not be a visual artist.  Please share!

Until later, when I see you on the blogosphere, on the web or hopefully in person, I hope you find the spark to ignite your creative fire!

TeMika The Artist

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